Kawkawa Camp & Retreat is blessed to be located in such a beautiful environment. With 20 acres of land nestled in the mountains of Hope, BC and over 400 feet of waterfront on the pristine Kawkawa Lake, Kawkawa Camp is the ideal location for a week of fun and personal and spiritual development in a caring environment.
We seek to provide a wide and varied program that incorporates our goals as a camp to provide for the spiritual, physical, mental, social and emotional needs of your child. Your child will have an unforgettable time at Kawkawa Camp participating in a wide range of fun and challenging activities under the watchful eye of our caring staff.
Our Vision at Kawkawa is to Transform Lives…Build Leaders… Impact the World…for Christ. At our camps we teach biblical principles in practical ways to help boys and girls find a stronger personal faith in Christ. We are also intentional about investing in each person’s life as we seek to develop leaders for the future to make an impact in their world.
I encourage you to find out more about Kawkawa Camp & Retreat by reading about Our Vision and checking out Our Story . We are committed to God and to the growth of your child and look forward to seeing your son or daughter at Kawkawa this summer.