May 1, 2019
Kawkawa Camp Society Annual General Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of members of the Kawkawa Camp Society (the “Society”) will be held at the Chilliwack Alliance Church, 8700 Young Road, Chilliwack, British Columbia V2P 4P4 on Friday, May 31, 2019 commencing at 7:00pm for the following purposes:
- To approve the minutes from the 2017 AGM
- To receive Committee Reports
- To receive the Financial Statements of the Society for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018 and the Auditor’s report
- To appoint the auditors of the Society
- To elect Directors of the Society, and
- To transact such further or other business as may properly come before the meeting.
Attached hereto are the following:
- AGM Agenda
- Partial Report of the Nominations Committee
- Approved form for additional nomination to the Kawkawa Camp Society Board of Directors. Additional nominations must be submitted to the Chairman of the Nominations Committee, Fred Hall , on or before Friday, May 17, 2019. Contact Fred at 778-551-5282 .
Annual Reports and Financial Statements will be distributed at the Annual General Meeting at the time of registration when you can renew your membership and/or take out a new membership.Nomination form to the Kawkawa Camp Society Board of Directors